We listen! We are patient, and we listen to everybody. We listen to our clients, and we listen to their customers. We believe that is the first step in gathering quality market intelligence. It is a result of meticulous attention to detail, by paying attention to expectations and aspirations of potential customers, that we draw our conclusions. After all, it is the people who need to be served!

Our focus areas:

Business Plans: We admire the cowboys who enter the business world based on their gut feelings, but we also advocate proper understanding of the ground realities. Developing a flexible plan is the first step, and we help you channel your ideas into focused, measurable milestones.

Market Intelligence: Do you really know the market you are getting into? Beneath the facade, we always encounter unexpected bumps – be they competitive, logistical, or customer oriented. We give you insights into the market to make you better prepared.

Market Segmentation: One size does not fit all. We help you to effectively segment your existing or potential customers, and devise strategies based on their unique characteristics.

Customer Research: The backbone of our operations, we live for customer research. Find out the who, why and how about your customers and get them eating ut of your hands.

Please also take a look at our list of clients and the projects we have undertaken for them for a better understanding of our specialities.